Services we Provide
Tutoring by Grade
LDC provides tutoring for pre-K, elementary, high school, college, and adult education in all school subjects with a certified teacher.
Students may learn study skills, note-taking, test strategies, and time management techniques
Tutoring by Subject
Qualified tutors have Master’s or Ph.D. level degrees and years of teaching experience in that subject area.
Students learn study skills pertinent to the subject area.
LDC offers course credit recovery transferable to the student’s school.
Tutoring for Special Needs
LDC was founded in 1968 to diagnose and treat the wide range of learning disorders in children and adults.
LDC provides Master and Ph.D. level specialists.
Expectations are in alignment with a student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a Section 504 Plan and the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Students learn study skills, note-taking, test strategies, and time management techniques
Assistance is offered for the following:
Learning Disabilities
Attention Disorders
Emotional Impairments
Cognitive Impairments
Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
Speech & Language Disorders
Educational Reintegration Therapy of Head Injured
Autistic Spectrum – Asperger Syndrome
Educational Counseling
Expert Witness Testimony
Diagnostic Testing and Evaluation
School Consultation & IEPC Advocacy